Prominent & Leading Transport Service with 22+ years of Experience years in Transport service sector.
Our Services
Trailer Transport Service
Prominent & Leading Service Provider from Navi Mumbai, we offer 40 feet trailer transport service, truck trailer transportation services, low bed trailer transport service, steel coil trailer transport services pan india, trailer transportation services and trailer transport services.
Goods Transporters service
Service Provider of a wide range of services which include heavy goods transporters service and goods transport services.
Container Transportation
We are a leading Service Provider of container transportation, container truck transport services, 32 feet mxl container body transport service and shipping container transportation service from Navi Mumbai, India
Domestic Truck Transport
Pioneers in the industry, we offer domestic transport truck service from India.
Verified & Experienced Drivers
GPS Tracker in ALL Vehicles
Customer Satisfaction
ISO 9001: 2000 company
22+ of years Experience
About our company
We are very pleased to introduce ourselves as a well-known and reliable company in the field of Transport and logistics. We are very proud to be a subsidiary company of Balaji travels, an ISO 9001:2000 company with experience of 22+ years in transport service sector. Give your business the advantage of this close to three decades of expertise.
Our Features
- New vehicles (Not old than 6 years.) well maintained so that there will not be any breakdown and interruption in service.
- We try to provide the most comfort to our customer by providing comfortable seats, cleanliness.
- Safety is our priority and for that we always keep fire cylinders in our vehicles, GPS system, all the papers required by RTO, Well experienced drivers.
- Drivers are well experienced and we choose them after doing their enquiry in deep like previous working record, family background, medical check-up etc.
- Cleaners and drivers are polite and reliable.
- We always adapt new technologies for keeping our service more smooth, reliable and prompt. As per our quality conscious policy we have introduced GPS system in every of our vehicle because of which we as well as our client can locate the vehicle on their mobile or on their laptop at any time. This system also has many features regarding safety, data storage etc.
- We have back up team. If any sudden problem arises in vehicle then our back up team reaches on the spot and resolves the problem within 45 mins. 8. In safety point of view, for ladies bus we have CCTV cameras in vehicles.